Commins Hendricks SolicitorsCommins Hendricks Solicitors
1800 643 779

Notary Full Fee Scale


1.Affidavits, Affirmations, DeclarationsFeeFee + GST
1(a)Identifying deponent, administering oath or affirmation or taking declaration and completing and executing document without preparation of a Notarial Certificate$180.00$198.00
1(b)Each additional deponent signing the same document at the same time$80.00$88.00
1(c)All additional matters and time (e.g. investigating jurisdictional issues) charged
per hour or pro rata for part of an hour
1(d)Preparing and completing an exhibit note or annexure certificate$80.00$88.00
1(e)Completing an exhibit note or annexure certificate prepared by another person$50.00$55.00
2.Deeds or other Unsworn Documents
2(a)Identifying signatory and witnessing and certifying execution or signing of a deed or other document (e.g. US land transaction documents), per document$150.00$165.00
2(b)Each additional person signing the same document at the same time$80.00$88.00
2(c)All additional matters and time involved (e.g. communication with registry in foreign jurisdiction) charged per hour or pro rata for part of an hour$600.00$660.00
3.Verification of copy documents
3(a)Preparing and completing Notarial Certificate certifying copy of one document (up to 5 pages)$150.00$165.00
3(b)For each additional page of the same document (per page beyond 5 pages)$10.00$11.00
3(c)Verifying copy of official Australian Government document (e.g. Vaccination Certificate, Citizenship Certificate, Passport)$180.00$198.00
3(d)If more than one document notarised or verified, charged per hour or part of an hour$600.00$660.00
4.Notarial Certificates
4(a)Individuals (e.g. for attachment to Power of Attorney including verifying person signing document). Preparing and binding Notarial Certificate, verifying execution of one document by one individual and completing Notarial Certificate$250.00$275.00
4(b)Verifying a Power of Attorney in Private Form (for use overseas) including identifying donor, preparing and completing Notarial Certificate as to execution of Power of Attorney and donor’s identity$250.00$275.00
4(c)Each additional person signing the same document at the same time$80.00$88.00
4(d)Authentic or Public Form Documents Prepared by Others Preparing and completing Notarial Act in authentic or public form prepared by a third party$360.00$396.00
4(e)Authentic or Public Form Documents Prepared by Notary Drafting, preparing and completing Notarial Act in authentic or public form prepared by
Notary, charged per hour or pro rata for part of an hour
4(f)Corporations (e.g. Corporate Power of Attorney, Minutes of Meeting of Directors) Preparing and completing bound Notarial Certificate verifying identity
of up to 2 company officer(s) and execution of document by officer(s) of corporation with declaration and exhibit, and completing the Notarial Certificate
4(g)Verifying identity of each additional company officer at the same time and including details in Notarial Certificate$85.00$93.50
4(h)Verification and attachment of resolution by Corporation’s board or members to Notarial Certificate$250.00$275.00
4(i)Preparing and completing bound Notarial Certificate of Company’s Good Standing with attachments including downloading requisite ASIC documents and
conducting requisite searches
4(j)Preparing and completing bound Notarial Certificate verifying copy of Corporation’s registration certificate or other ASIC record including downloading
requisite ASIC documents (e.g. Change of Name)
4(k)Other Documents (e.g. Trust Deeds, Intellectual Property Certificates) Preparing and completing bound Notarial Certificate not otherwise provided for,
charged per hour or pro rata for part of an hour
5.Australian Academic Documents
5(a)Authenticating Australian testamur, academic document or record including preparing and completing bound Notarial Certificate as to verification of
academic record with relevant educational institution and certifying a copy of documentVerifying an Educational Document may involve additional work (e.g. contacting the educational institution to independently verify the document), for which an additional charge may be made.
6.Apostilles and Authentications **
6(a)Preparing and submitting application to DFAT for Apostille or Authentication, obtaining Apostille or Authentication and providing same to client or as directed$175.00$192.50
7.Consular / Embassy Legalisation
7(a)Submitting notarised and authenticated document to Consulate or Embassy, obtaining legalisation, providing same to client or as directed, charged per hour
or pro rata for part of an hour
8(a)for Notary, as agreed or per hour or pro rata for part of an hour, for such matters as:$600.00$660.00
8(a)(i)– attendance away from office
8(a)(ii)– drawing, engrossing and executing documents; and other matters not otherwise provided for
8(b)for Clerk, as agreed per hour or pro rata for part of an hour$200.00$220.00
8(c)Photocopying and Facsimiles:
– up to 15 pages, included in above fees
– exceeding 15 pages, per page

* All out of pocket expenses (e.g. ASIC searches) are payable in addition.

** DFAT fees and special postages (e.g. certified or express mail) are also payable in addition.
