Commins Hendricks SolicitorsCommins Hendricks Solicitors
1800 643 779

Family Mediation

Mediation can be a very cost-effective and comparatively quicker process to resolve a dispute than what is offered by the Court system.

It is now compulsory (except in certain exempt circumstances) for parents to attend mediation prior to commencing Court proceedings regarding the parenting arrangements for their children.

Ordinarily, parties attend this type of mediation’s known as Family Dispute Resolution without legal representation. However, we are happy to assist if you require. You can access further information regarding compulsory mediation at the Commonwealth Government website:

A significant number of matters involving property disputes can be resolved at mediation. This can be prior to, or following, the commencement of Court proceedings.

Both parties are usually legally represented and an impartial mediator, with knowledge of the family law system, will conduct the mediation.

For further assistance please contact the Family Law Department on 02 6933 6950.
